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drawing, drawings, marker, pattern -

I made new Henna pattern art. They are mostly flower patterns drawn against a black background.  I do not use rules and I do not get too crazy about symmetric. Everything looks fine in the end. Perfection is not something that humans can achieve. All in all, I am just happy with the drawings I made. They are pretty relaxing. I also made videos of these artworks.  You can check them out in my Artsy Sister Youtube Channel. Please give a like and subscribe. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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acrylic, drawing, marker -

I made new henna pattern. I drew them in black paper. This makes the colors pop. It also allows me to make use of the color white. The colors naturally look stronger with a black background. The first pattern was a little skinny and simple. I was trying to get into the workflow. The following floral pattern was a lot more complicated. To make use of the paper, I draw on one half at a time. This makes a large complete pattern when looked from far away. I have been thinking of using them as book covers. They have interesting...

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acrylic, drawing, flower, flowers, mandala, marker, markers -

I made new mandala art. I used acrylic markers to make these artworks. It was quite the relaxing exercise. I hope that they make you smile. There is also a Youtube video of these three artworks. You can check them out in my Artsy Sister Channel. Please like and subscribe. I think it is time to focus on the art themselves. They took about 20 minutes to make. I tried to use all the colors of the rainbow to make these artworks. The first two artworks have center patterns. The last one has a bit of an asymmetrical look to...

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drawing, pens -

I made new henna pattern. I used my metallic markers. They do look pretty shiny in the real world. It is a bit difficult to photograph metallic pens. I think that the final result does look alright.  Although, it looks even better in the video I made. You can check them out in my Artsy Sister Youtube Channel. Do give a like and subscribe. I am making good process with the nonsense.  As far as writing, I started a new Lover’s Pentacle. There isn’t a big pause between the books anymore. With a general idea, I think I can make...

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acrylic, drawing, marker, markers -

I made new Mandala art. It features some cute flowers and the whatnot. I used Grabie markers to make these artworks. I hope that you find this information useful. As before, I started with the center design before working my way outward. The flower one took a bit of time. I needed to think of what color had to be dominant between each petal. It ended up having an interesting look. The other mandala patterns used the metallic markers. They shine rather pretty when you take the photo with the flash. I like metallic patterns a lot.  There is going...

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