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The summer time is right here. The weather is just right to go to the beach. I haven’t gone to the beach in a long time. Since I am little nostalgic about it, I decided to photograph my dolls in quite the pretty outfit.  I photographed two of my dolls. I took standing, sitting and portrait photos. There is going to be a video of this photoshoot. You can see it in my Artsy Sister Youtube Channel.  Do give a like and subscribe. I hope that it makes you smile and the like. I am a little bit mellowed out...

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I was window shopping for Barbies when I saw this little number. I used to have a Barbie that looked just like this one. Since I was feeling nostalgic, I decided to get this little dolly. She doesn’t went the knees like my other Barbies. Even so, she does have a nice looking face. Her hands pose well as well. I took standing, sitting and portrait photos of the new doll.     She is going to look great sporting the other outfits I have in storage. I also got a few new Barbie outfits. I prefer to have a higher...

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This is my latest Barbie photoshoot. I have been window shopping for new Barbies. I think there is room for a new doll in my ensemble. I still haven’t decided which doll I want to get. On the meantime, enjoy these familiar faces. They are the Barbie Movie Barbie and the Signature Teresa doll. Both do pose rather well.   However, the blonde barbie is a little stiff. Not that it matter too much in the long scheme of things. In any case, both are sporting blue dresses. They do look rather pretty indeed in their nice little outfits.  I still...

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Spring is almost over. Even so, it is still nice to give a nice look at spring fashion. In Florida, it has been super-hot. I try to stay out of the weather. I did manage to get a decent papaya. I have it ripening in the refrigerator. Once it turns a nice yellow, I will get around to eat it. Eating it is in my to do list. Well, you came here to talk about dolls. I have plenty of Barbie outfits to photograph.  This little doll is quite photogenic. She also poses rather nicely. I tried to keep her...

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I did a new duet Barbie photoshoot. Here we see the blonde and brunette Barbie together. The blonde Barbie is from the Barbie movie. The brunette is a Signature Teresa doll. Teresa is the name of Barbie’s brunette friend. They both are sporting cute Spring dresses. I photographed them in standing, sitting and portrait photos. I hope that the photos I took make you smile.  Let us move things along shall we. I still have plenty of Barbie dresses that I haven’t shown you. I am trying to keep the photoshoots nice and fresh. Once summer starts, I will probably...

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