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dessert, food, foodie, photo, photos, travel -

I was eating at a different restaurant when I saw a waiter coming in with a box. The box had the name Delicias de Espana. I googled the name of the place. I was delighted to discover that it was a restaurant. I looked at the dessert menu over the top. I then made it my dining destination the following week. I like to go out to eat at least once a week. It breaks the monotony of my day, to day existence. When we arrived, we were a little confused. The place looked more like a bakery than a...

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bjd, cute, doll, photo, photos -

This is a new look for my Bebe doll. She is also sporting a lovely blonde wig and pink shoes.  Everything looks  better with pink. I like that the shoes come in different color. It is always a joy to dress up the dolls in preparation for new photoshoots.  The other fun part is doing the sets. I need to figure out some stuff here and there. I will get around to it, when I get around to it.     On the meantime, enjoy this doll looking cute in various poses. I also made a Youtube video of this photoshoot....

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barbie, barbies, cute, doll, photo, photos -

I was window shopping for Barbies when I saw this little number. I used to have a Barbie that looked just like this one. Since I was feeling nostalgic, I decided to get this little dolly. She doesn’t went the knees like my other Barbies. Even so, she does have a nice looking face. Her hands pose well as well. I took standing, sitting and portrait photos of the new doll.     She is going to look great sporting the other outfits I have in storage. I also got a few new Barbie outfits. I prefer to have a higher...

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cute, doll, lol surprise, photo, photos -

I was bored of photographing the same LOL Surprise dolls. So, I decided to add a new one to my roster. She is a Wildflower LOL surprise doll. She is a bit taller than the ones I usually photograph.  This works just as well. She is now sporting the outfit that she came with. The little dolly looks quite charming indeed.   I took standing, sitting and portrait photos. I think she came out alright. I also did a Youtube video of my new doll. You can see her in Artsy Sister channel. Please give a like and subscribe. My name...

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bjd, doll, dolls, photo, photos, vampire -

I was a little bored. So, I decided to photograph my little vampire doll. She looks so cool in her nice outfit. The cape is Doll Chateau. The outfit is Dollmore. Both outfits do compliment each other well. She looks positively cool in that get up. The blue wig goes well with her goth look. The doll needed a bit of blue to go with her eyes.      Now, everything compliments one another. She has quite the silly sharp hands. It is quite the joy to look for cool outfits for the doll. Her face is a bit gender...

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Artsy's Choice