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This is a new look for my Bebe doll. She is also sporting a lovely blonde wig and pink shoes.  Everything looks  better with pink. I like that the shoes come in different color. It is always a joy to dress up the dolls in preparation for new photoshoots.  The other fun part is doing the sets. I need to figure out some stuff here and there. I will get around to it, when I get around to it.     On the meantime, enjoy this doll looking cute in various poses. I also made a Youtube video of this photoshoot....

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bjd, doll, dolls, photo, photos, vampire -

I was a little bored. So, I decided to photograph my little vampire doll. She looks so cool in her nice outfit. The cape is Doll Chateau. The outfit is Dollmore. Both outfits do compliment each other well. She looks positively cool in that get up. The blue wig goes well with her goth look. The doll needed a bit of blue to go with her eyes.      Now, everything compliments one another. She has quite the silly sharp hands. It is quite the joy to look for cool outfits for the doll. Her face is a bit gender...

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bjd, cute, doll, dolls, photo, photos -

I ran out of LOL surprise dresses. So, the third photoshoot is going to be another bjd doll. I chose the tiny doll cause she has a lot of outfits. She is also a little stiff. So, she cannot do complicated poses.  Even so, she is quite the little darling to look at. I hope that you find the cute little photos I took amusing.   I took standing, sitting and portrait photos. I also made a Youtube video of this photoshoot. You can see it in my Artsy Sister Channel. Please give and like and subscribe.    We are getting...

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bjd, cute, doll, photo, photos -

I wanted to photograph the smallest doll in my collection. It seemed like a good a time as any to take photos of this dolly. She wears the same dress sizes as Chelsea Barbie and LOL Surprise dolls. This is the good thing about tiny dolls. One doesn’t have to try hard to find cute little outfits for her. There are plenty of clothing that I have left to show you. The doll is sporting a cute pink floral dress.  She looks simply adorable with her outfit. I took standing, sitting and portrait photos. I dressed up the set with...

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bjd, cute, doll, photo, photos -

It had been a while since I photographed my oldest bjd doll. She is sporting a lovely little red and black dress. The skull pattern is just quite charming. Skulls are a great fashion statement.  They add a bit of danger to anything they are on. The doll herself is sporting a long brown wig. It suits her well. She also has earrings. This doll came with earholes. So, it seemed like a good idea to have her sport earrings.    The earrings she is using are the same as the ones worn by my Barbie dolls. It is nice...

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Artsy's Choice