drawings RSS

drawing, drawings, marker, pattern -

I made new Henna pattern art. They are mostly flower patterns drawn against a black background.  I do not use rules and I do not get too crazy about symmetric. Everything looks fine in the end. Perfection is not something that humans can achieve. All in all, I am just happy with the drawings I made. They are pretty relaxing. I also made videos of these artworks.  You can check them out in my Artsy Sister Youtube Channel. Please give a like and subscribe. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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drawing, drawings, dress, fashion, markes -

It has been a sometime since I drew something that is not black and white. I have been focusing a bit on the website, the book and the manga. When I am not doing anything serious, I work on mother’s diamond painting. She really likes those sets, but her eyesight is not what it used to. I complete those silly paintings for her. What is important to me is that she smiles. Diamond Paintings are a bit time consuming, but they look great on the wall. I have been brainstorming a bit some things. I came up with a new...

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anime, bird, drawing, drawings, fashion -

It seemed like a good a time as any to show you one of my fancy bird drawings. I like designing pretty dresses from time to time. I want to eventually be skilled enough to design fancy dolls. The problem with that idea lies in my lack of sculpting skills. Also, my painting skills are not as sharp as I would like. I have good control over the pencil, but that is just about it. It is all a learning experience. You live and you learn. As for the bird design, the bird is native to the Sinai Peninsula. It...

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art supplies, drawings -

After the first World War, things went peachy with the dresses and the fun. The rationing system forced Americans to save up their money. There was simply nothing to buy in the stores. The dresses got shorter and simpler. This dress is what happened after the war. Maidens were eager to look prim and feminine.  The length of the dress fell down, and pearls and jewelry became the norm. The figure of the maidens also changed a bit. Up until the previous century, the ideal feminine figure was a bit chubby on the side. With the eve of the modern...

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drawings, graffiti, mural -

Traveling often allows one to see many strange and wonderful things. Graffiti is one of those things people either love or instantly hate. It is usually the latter, I do not know why. Then again, it depends on where it was done. If you purposely ruin someone's workplace then it would certainly annoy lots of people.  Graffiti tends to be more accepted in other parts of the world. It certainly at least dolls up a place that is falling apart. This is a photo of one I saw while in Colombia. It looks pretty cool, don't you think. The city...

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